Saturday, December 23, 2017

Max Boot and Fareed Zakaria

Neocon Max Boot germanized his name, shaved his hair bold and ordered glasses looking much like monocles to simulate a Prussian military type he adores. At least he did not call himself "Von." This "brutish Nordic hero" destined to rule the world hanged out with the likes of McCain, also a fine specimen of a higher race. But, finally, it donned on him that for Breitbart and its gun-toting audience he is just a "Russki Jew." So, he went to Fareed Zakaria to complain...

Somebody stole Lord McCain's horcruxes 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Malcolm Jones. The secret middle ages.

Knight deflowering a virgin. Allegory from 
the British Library.

Malcolm Jones' "The secret middle ages. Discovering the real medieval world" proves that nothing is as secret as when it is hidden in a plain view. This is not surprising that the Middle Ages art was full of pornographic or scatological imagery; what is amazing is that many of these artifacts were prominently displayed in churches or laid in bequests of model citizens--the book begins with the testament of the patrician Mayor of Frankfurt--who mentions among the objects of value biscuit molds with carvings some depicting saints and scenes from the Holy Scripture but others are obviously pornographic. Yet, reading the book to the end, one does not get an idea why this juxtaposition was the case.

      The author's contention that the Middle Ages we imagine--as a place of total and pervasive religious worship--is a largely Victorian invention, is solidly proven by the fact that even the surviving artifacts--the main source of his imagery in the book are the church misercords, but also the lead jewelry, which has to be much more widespread than the glorious gold and silver altarpieces, are so numerous as to belie the idea that the medieval porn was rare or underground. But why many of these images existed for centuries in churches or in religious manuscripts? Jones does not even attempt to answer this question. Some of these phenomena can be attributed by the secret or homegrown paganism, which he mentions but obviously these were too widespread and cropping in unusual places, such as abovementioned testament of the Frankfurt's mayor, as to explain them that way.

       The book limits itself to nonsensical, pornographic and scatological imagery, but it cannot be complete without the images of death, torture and macabre, which were also widespread. Some of these intruded into the field of pornography like the death with fully erect penis, whilst a wife tries to masturbate an obviously impotent husband in front of their child obliviously playing with money. If it is an complex allegory, its meaning is lost to the centuries. Malcolm Jones broke into this important field of study but the definitive answer is far from our view.

Merry pranksters of the Middle Ages.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Prisoners of Democracy

   A distinction between "democratic" and "authoritarian" state has lost its significance in the XXI century. Two main characteristics of the dictatorships of old, the control over movement of people and the control over dissemination of information have been obviated by modern technology and lifestyle--only the North Korea and, to a much lesser degree, Cuba and Belarus, retain some degree of information and migration control.
   One of the reasons of democracy's demise in this century is a simple population growth. In mid-XIX century USA, a congressional representative was elected by several thousand voters who received their political information mainly from local broadsheets and the congressman's personal acolytes. Currently, an average member of the US House of Representatives is delegated by approximately 700,000 people who get most of their information from the national media.
    Because of ever-finessed techniques of quantitative analysis and gerrymandering, only ~10% of congressional districts are truly competitive. I am sure that the proportion of truly competitive election in Russia, which is viewed by the US media as epitomizing oppression, is higher. In Upstate New York, not to speak about the "reddest" states, some State Senate districts live under what effectively amounts to one-party system.
     How then one could imagine China ruling its 1,400 million people by a carbon copy of American system? If one imagines ~700 as the limit for a number of representatives of an elected lower house (currently, Chinese legislature has more than ~2,000 largely ceremonial members, for instance, congratulating members of the ruling Politburo on national holidays, similarly to the Bill Frist Senate of the Bush Era), each delegate will represent more than two million people. Hence, under this system, for instance, no UK city other than London would have a unique representative. A mid-size Chinese province would hypothetically send two senators to Beijing, who would be only technically answerable to diverse population larger than Belgium and Holland combined. Such legislature will hardly be different or more democratic in populace's minds than a current European Commission not representing anybody but the American NATO generals and the German bankers.
       With Russia one has another problem--the extremely unequal territorial distribution of the populace. Not only the Russian Federation is the largest, by territory, country in the world, but also most of this territory is empty or uninhabitable. Current Russian Duma member represents ~300,000 people similar to the golden era of American Congress in 1950-60s. Yet, with 300,000 being a census of a small borough in the city of Moscow, in Krasnoyarsk Krai this is the number of the people outside of Krasnoyarsk and its suburbs. They are spread over the territory roughly equal to Western Europe without Scandinavia. Constituencies of these "people's deputies" include miners, fishermen, sailors, workers of giant aluminum smelters, teachers, doctors, religious sectarians living "off the grid" and other people with similarly congruent economic and cultural interests. Obviously, the legislators, no matter, how liberal the electoral law is, and how well it is enforced, would always tend to respond only to concerns of Moscow bankers, at best, and, at worst, an organized crime.
       Not that democracy is flourishing in its traditional centers. In the countries like Sweden, Denmark or Holland, the elections of American President or the German Chancellor are more meaningful in indicating future policy changes than the elections of national "leaders." Even in larger Western countries, such as the UK, defense and intelligence policy is largely out of national control. The famed British Navy simply cannot operate without US communication and reconnaissance satellites, logistical support, airlift and weapons codes. Without them the masterpieces of British engineering, the Astute submarines are just the steel boxes plodding under the waves.
      In Germany, not only national defense but also media establishment labors under a heavy American thumb. Nazi leader of the Deutsche Welle and a son of the notorious war criminal, Peter Limbourg and his Goebbelsian  crew (I do not mince these words lightly), invented two words: rechtspopilist and Der Putinversteher. I.e., if the Euro-Atlanticist (Amer. neocon) media labels you these terms, there is no need for a substantive discussion. Later it moved to America with the term "fake news." It works like that: if you are a German worker upset with high utility prices because of multi-billion euro subsidization of the alternative energy, you are rechtspopulist. If you also question, why, for all its clinging to alternative energy, German Government gives Poland billions in subventions to keep its poor-quality coal mines open, you are also Putinversteher. No debate.
         I do not want to mention Eastern European NATO protectorates, where American generals tell their governments what their foreign policy will be and the German bankers inform them about their domestic policies. The governments of the Eastern European NATO members--with exception of Poland with extremely powerful Polish US lobby in a classic tale of tail wagging the dog and recalcitrant Hungary--only decide such fascinating issues as the color of postal stamps or the contents of textbooks in the public schools.
      This does not have to be understood as the author's rejection of electoral democracy; vice versa, this author is saddened by its demise. But the hard fact is that most modern nations are ruled by unelected oligarchies, either locally procured or prescribed by "international" bodies, such as IMF or NATO.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Pat Southern. The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine. Routledge, ISBN 0-415-23944-3.

Just as I was prepared to condemn all British historiography as a hopeless preserve of upper-class twits, I took the book by Pat Southern about the most interesting, in my view, and the least documented period of the development of the Roman Empire. Noticeably, she works outside of the academia. The book is a COMPILATION, heavily relying on French historian M. Christol, but it is eminently readable and wonderfully illustrated by Trish Boyle. My only criticism of the illustrations are maps, many of which are given without place labels as in XIX Classical Gymnasium geography class (pupils had to memorize all rivers and cities, etc.). But this is a brilliant book. Prurient details and personal eccentricities of the lives of Emperors and their entourage are omitted in true Victorian fashion, even for Heliogabalus (above). Even the military matters, which are frequently garbled by academic historians, while the professional military relies on less-than-trustworthy archival sources, are being competently described. But should I remember that 'vexillations' are the detachments of 'vexillarius' soldiers, i.e. the separate detachments of below-legion strength but having their own standard?  Yet many kudos to Pat and I am looking to find her other books in the libraries accessible to me.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

David Luscombe and J. Riley-Smith. The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. IV, part I.

        A piece of surrealistic prose penned by a group (mostly British) of the right-wing Catholic intellectuals. 80% of the volume concerns the struggles of papacy for the temporal power and theological debates. Only the Chapters 2 and 3 deal with medieval society in a coherent way, rather than with the concerns of modern intellectuals. The wars and shifting realms--the usual subject of historical study--are omitted except for the Crusades and other "wars of liberation" against the infidels. Yet, the fate of these "infidels", Jews included, during and after their "liberation" is glossed over. The fates of 9/10 of the population, the peasants, most of whom, in the debated period were in different stages of servitude, is never discussed, ostensibly for the lack of verifiable material. Yet, the authors assert that certainly, high ranking lords and clerics looked after the best interests of these poor souls (Susan Reynolds). Barbarous tortures and executions of heretics are being declared spontaneous acts of rage by the mobs on the apostates. There is not a single statistical table in the entire book.

        Some subjects are discussed with considerable erudition. For instance, Chapters 18, Latin and vernacular literature (J. Ziolkowski) and Chapter 19, Architecture and visual arts (P. Kidson) are serving their purpose pretty well. Yet, even Kidson begins his chapter with a long polemic against deceased researchers of the past: Violet-le-Duc, Riegl and Warburger, who cannot defend themselves.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Methodology of development of science and technology in Russia (in Russian)

      Россия не так страдает от коррупции, как от начальнического "затейничества." Если это преувеличение, то очень небольшое. Руководителями-затейниками были Никита Хрущев, Дмитрий Устинов и  Михаил Горбачев. То есть вместо продуманных решений, осуществляемых после тщательной проработки проблемы экспертами среднего звена, высшие начальники собирают совещание из номенклатурных "аксакалов", которые должны импровизировать решение по манию верховного лица.

    Когда начальство пытается развивать какую-либо область науки и техники, первым делом составляется список перспективных (или провальных) направлений на основании популярных источников, а затем в эти области направляются государственные ресурсы. Никакого серъезного анализа потребностей и возможностей общества при этом не производится. На самом деле выбор приоритетов в первую очередь означает, какими проектами можно пожертвовать, чтобы высвободить ресурсы на перспективные направления. В отличие от США, которые могут позволить себе научно-техническое развитие во всех областях, экономический потенциал России предполагает жесткое рационирование.

      Чтобы позволить хоть какую-нибудь систематизацию этого процесса, автор предлагает следующую схему оценки проектов. Перспективным направлениям присваиваются символические позиции, соответствующие потребностям и возможностям общества в настоящее время. Эти позиции следующие:

1. Наблюдательная. Государственная поддержка сводится к взносу в международные организации, как в случае CERN и ITER. Доморощенные проекты не финансируются.

2. Имитационная. Проекты направлены на более-менее буквальное воспроизведение зарубежных образцов.

3. Догоняющяя. Проекты направлены на обретение научно-технических компетенций передовых государств.

4. Передовая. Проекты предполагают оригинальные исследования и разработки, направленные на соревнование с передовыми странами мира.

5. Лидирующая. Страна является лидером в узкой области и стремится сохранить лидирующее положение.

Заметим, что эта классификация ничего не говорит о глобальной приоритетности тех, или иных направлений. Так, Россия занимает лидирующие позиции в области ядерной энергетики и пилотируемого космоса--направлений, которые скорее соответствуют "переднему краю" 60-х годов. Объем капиталовложений объективно сдвинут к позициям 4 и 5, но организационные мероприятия и венчурные проекты скорее должны концентрироваться на уровнях 2 и 3. В прилагаемой таблице (на английском) приводятся воззрения автора на классификацию основных направлений науки и техники в приложении к современной России.

Technology/domain of science
Nuclear energy

Piloted spaceflight

Robotic deep space exploration
Now hardly #2
Astroparticle physics

New materials

Robotics and drones
Presently, 2
Rare, tropical diseases, non-narcotic anesthesia, veterinary genomics  
From scratch
Financial technology
From scratch
Software/AI (applied)

Software/AI (general)

Medical devices

Computer games and CGI

Molecular genomic medications for humans, artificial organs  
Other than 7
Technologies for Earth/environmental monitoring

3D manufacturing
From scratch
Precision machine tools

Chemical drugs, generics

Automobile and peaceful marine technology

Equipment for oil and gas production

Electronic components

Consumer electronics

Elementary particle physics with accelerators, accelerator physics and technology  
Except for free-electron lasers and synchrotron radiation for material science/biology
Plasma physics and fusion
Except for space propulsion and nuclear technology for military applications