Saturday, June 1, 2013

My argument with Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins presumes, as do many other outspoken atheists, that the decline of religion would usher in the triumph of secular humanism. But this is not so. The retreat of organized Abrahamic religions is filled with (beginning with the least harmful)

  • unrestrained consumerism and narcisisstic hedonism, threatening economic well-being of nations and the quality of the global environment; 
  • the return to the heterodox pre-Christian paganism typical of the late Roman era, particularly in the guises of the New Age and American "Biblical Christianity": the glorification of militaristic state as an apex of male-centric nuclear families; and
  • aggressive nationalism.
None of the intellectual/social currents superseding the organized religion is particularly better or humane than the religious bigotry they are assumed to replace.

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