Monday, June 16, 2014

Max Tegmark. Our Mathematical Universe.

Since the Princeton "gang of four" (Witten, Polyakov, etc.) imposed its string orthodoxy on the modern quantum theory of fields, the boundary between metaphysics (disquisitions without much empirical support, or no empirical support possible in principle) and physics (an experimental science, you know) has completely disappeared.

Max Tegmark's book represents extreme proliferation of metaphysical agenda in modern academia. There is no clear distinction anymore between such interpretation of science, religion or simply technical vocabulary mumbo-jumbo.

1 comment:

Alex Bliokh (A. S. Bliokh) said...

I've heard that during late eighties--early nineties being on the good side of the "string mafia" was a sine qua non for admission to the physics faculty of the top schools.