Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Oldest Book in the World, by Bill Manley.

    Bill Manley, senior curator of the Egyptian Collections of the National Museums of Scotland, provided new and modernized translation of "The Teaching of Ptahhatp", the oldest manuscript surviving in its entirety. As a commentary to it, he provides the parallels to even more remarkable inscription Why Things Happen?, which declares that all traditional gods were imagined by Ptah, the Risen Earth, before whom there was nothing,  Non-Being. He certainly knows his stuff and is well versed in Christian theology, which he wants to uphold throughout his book. 

    This book only confirms that 1) the best of English humanities survives outside the universities who became the abode of well-bred and well connected, and 2) that a tradition of eschatological interpretation of ancient texts is alive and well. 

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